



1. mRNA重编程技术研究的优势

2. mRNA重编程技术与其他重编程技术的比较







Date:  Wed, Feb. 4th , 2015

Time:  Boston: 8:00PM
Japan:  10:00AM
China:  9:00AM
Malaysia:  9:00AM
Singapore:  9:00AM
Thailand:  8:00AM
Australia:  12:00AM
NewZealand: 2:00PM




The panel will be moderated by Brad Hamilton,  Director of Research & Development, Stemgent.

Brad Hamilton received his B.S. in Biology  from James Madison University and his M.S. in Biotechnology from the University  of Tennessee-Knoxville and has seventeen years of research experience in both  industry and academic labs. During that time, Mr. Hamilton has worked at Upstate  Biotechnology and Millipore, leading R&D groups in the development of RNAi  and cell signaling reagents. In addition, his time spent in academic research  has focused on assay development for neurodegenerative disorders. Brad is  currently Director of Research and Development for Stemgent’s stem cell focused  programs, including the coordination of external academic and commercial  collaborations and technology evaluations.

We hope to meet you at the webinar on Feb.  4th, 2015.


Stemgent RNA 体细胞重编程技术——快速、安全、高效、无基因组整合风险、无外源基因印迹的重编程技术


  Stemgent RNA体细胞重编程技术可将正常细胞和疾病特异性细胞重新编程为人诱导多能干细胞,并提供两种重编程方式选择 :(1)mRNA重编程方式(需要饲养层细胞);(2) MicroRNA增强型-mRNA 重编程方式(无需饲养层细胞)。The microRNA Booster Kit  包括microRNA重编程试剂和B18R重组蛋白。TheStemgent® MicroRNA-Enhanced mRNA Reprogramming System改进了第一代mRNA重编程技术,更迅速更高效,更适用于难以重编程的细胞类型,甚至可以对iPS重编程的难题——血细胞重编程进行有效解决。产品联用得到原代iPS细胞系仅需8天,并使每块well的mRNA使用量降低35%-45%。


 Stemgent-AsterandmRNA Reprogramming MethodStemgent-AsterandEnhanced microRNAmRNA Reprogramming  MethodReprogramming  efficiency>1%>1%Fast Reprogramming  KineticsYesYesSomatic Cell →  iPS Cell3  weeks2  weeksRisk of insertional  mutagenesisNoneNoneScreening for Viral  ClearanceNoneNoneScreening for DNA vector retention  and/or integrationNoneNoneBio-containment issues associated with  viral applicationsNoneNone# of wells per kit(6 well plate  format)49-10(35%-45% per well cost reduction)Reprogramming  SubstrateFibroblast feeder layerExtracellular MatrixCaptures hard-to reprogram and  refractory cell types—YesSimple, user friendly protocol  (overnight transfections)—Yes


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